Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Before ever deciding to abruptly leave a job, do everything you can to make it work.  Plan your week, measure your performance, declutter your desk, improve relationships with co-workers.  Ask yourself if making some adjustments could make a difference in how you feel the Sunday night before a long week ahead.   

Due to all the anxiety I face when I think about the work at hand, I decided to explore better ways to get through the week.  I need to understand whether this job is right for me and I whether it's possible to condition myself further, hone skills, and develop the capability to get through the tough situations (you're only as strong as your weakest point). 

Tonight, I decluttered my cubicle.  After collecting all the highlighters from drawers, under piles of paper and scattered around my desk, I realized I had a collection that would last me a couple of years if they didn't dry up first.  I saved almost every piece of paper and had several forgotten stacks of papers I promised I'd sort through and one day do something interesting with, like hole punch them a put them into a few neat binders.  It will never happen, so out they went.  Extra supplies went back to the supply room, and decor that didn't speak to my heart were thrown away.

I still don't know if my job and I are the right fit, but I have to try and make it work before exploring new options.  So here's to effort, and thicker skin!

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